After watching The Transcendent Man which focused on Kurzweil's predictions for Singularity and the future, I had mixed emotions. The whole thing sounded like it came right out of a science fiction novel. I was feeling skeptical until I learned about how many of Kurzweil's predictions have proved to be correct. So what if this Singularity is to manifest itself into reality? What implications could this bring to us humans?
Education is defined as the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. There would be no need for education. A person (or should I say AI) would just need to have information and data downloaded into them. At the beginning of the AI's life, billions of files and information would need to be downloaded into them. Like Ciara pointed out in her blog post, teachers would become obsolete. Computers will be able to provide the information needed by an AI.
As for communication, speech would become an archaic method. Typing would be the best way in the beginning to communicate, but eventually I think that a sort of code between AI's would arise and take over. Sounds a bit Orwellian (Newspeak anyone?) but I could see it happening. If these AI's still have any bit of human to them though, they will need physical interaction. Isolation can make people go insane. I think that there are somethings that are permanently human and cannot be suppressed. Here's a random thought: would relationships (love interests) become unnecessary? Without physical interaction and only Internet communication, would marriage become archaic as well?
In my last paragraph, I touched a bit on language by mentioning the sort of code that would come about. Language would forever be altered. Would detailed words be necessary anymore? I think that with Singularity, the idea of aspects of our current life as unnecessary is very prevalent. Anything extra that distracts from the gaining of knowledge would not be as necessary. That is why I'm saying that a basic code would be needed for communication instead of long, detailed conversations.
I do believe that Singularity is a possibility for the future, although I think that Kurzweil is being a bit too optimistic about the idea. Humans have certain permanent characteristics that cannot be changed, like the need for physical interaction and the need for love. I do not think that he will be able to bring back his father from the dead in one sense or another. Although he is a very intelligent man, he is still a human and humans are not God. I think that Singularity will be only somewhat accomplished and there will be many complications that come about with these innovations with technology. I think that there will be an uprising of people against the Singularity and that the need to become a hybrid of computer and human will not be completely necessary to survive in the world. It is an interesting concept for a book, but not very realistic to me although the world's intelligence on technology is growing at amazing amounts.
@ Anna Russet, I agree with most of what you said in your post, but there are a few things that I disagree with. You said that humans have certain permanent characteristics that cannot be changed, i.e. physical interaction and the need for love, but I think that people could get these things within the singularity. If technology progressed to a point where people were mentally "jacked" into the singularity, then they would ultimately live our their lives there. I think that physical interation could take place within the singularity or cloud because if our brains were stimulated to think that all of the interaction was real, then our brains would be stimulated to think that it was actually happening, i.e. being touched. I know its very cliche, but it would be something similar to the Matrix.
ReplyDeleteYou also said that you don't believe that the singularity would be fully realized but, I feel that it is a very real possiblity. Things that people felt were only science fiction in the 40's and 50's are a reality today, and we have surpassed even that. So, I think that this is comparable to that. We (as a society) can't believe that this is posible, but I think that this is just the science fiction of our era and it will be reality in the future. Yes, we do not have flying cars yet...but, who says that won't happen in the future as well. I'm just an optimist.